Test Corrections

General Information:
  • All students are allowed the chance to correct tests for the opportunity to earn extra points and improve their grade.
  • You may earn 1/2 of the points lost on your test by correcting all questions missed. (There is a chart provided at the bottom of this page for reference.)
  • You must follow all directions or you will not receive credit.
  • If the original test grade was failing (below a 70), then the test corrections must be signed by a parent.
  • Students will have exactly one week from the date the tests are handed back to turn in the corrections.  No late corrections will be accepted.

Test Correction Instructions:
  • Use a separate sheet of notebook paper.
  • Title it Test Corrections and be sure to remember your name and science period (you do not need the date or assignment #).  Put your original test grade at the top center of the page.
  • Draw a small box for each question.  Write the number of the question in the box, followed by the correct letter answer which is underlined.
  • Copy the entire question and answer to the right of each box.
  • You must show the use of test-taking strategy on your corrections by underlining, highlighting, or circling important information to help ensure your answer is correct.
  • Please see the example below.


Test Corrections Grading Chart
  • Corrections in the green shading (with an original passing grade) do not need parent signatures.
  • Corrections in red shading (with an original failing grade) MUST have parent signatures.

Original Grade:      99    98    97    96    95    94    93    92    91    90
Corrected Grade:  100   99    99    98    98    97    97    96    96    95
Original Grade:      89    88    87    86    85    84    83    82    81    80
Corrected Grade:   95    94    94    93    93    92    92    91    91    90
Original Grade:      79    78    77    76    75    74    73    72    71    70
Corrected Grade:   90    89    89    88    88    87    87    86    86    85
Original Grade:      69    68    67    66    65    64    63    62    61    60
Corrected Grade:   85    84    84    83    83    82    82    81    81    80
Original Grade:      59    58    57    56    55    54    53    52    51    50
Corrected Grade:   80    79    79    78    78    77    77    76    76    75
Original Grade:      49    48    47    46    45    44    43    42    41    40
Corrected Grade:   75    74    74    73    73    72    72    71    71    70
Original Grade:      39    38    37    36    35    34    33    32    31    30
Corrected Grade:   70    69    69    68    68    67    67    66    66    65
Original Grade:      29    28    27    26    25    24    23    22    21    20
Corrected Grade:   65    64    64    63    63    62    62    61    61    60 
Original Grade:      19    18    17    16    15    14    13    12    11    10
Corrected Grade:   60    59    59    58    58    57    57    56    56    55 
Original Grade:        9      8      7      6      5      4      3      2      1      0
Corrected Grade:    55    54    54    53    53    52    52    51    51    50